According to the USDA Forest Service, approximately 60% of the forests in the United States are privately held. Do you know what usually happens when a landowner cannot profit from his investment? It’s sold – and usually not to someone who just wants to take over management of a forest.

Many times, it’s a developer who is planning to turn a working forest into the next golf course, housing development, or shopping center. Certification programs like FSC® work to keep forests economically viable by making sure that:

  • FSC-certified forest operations are structured and managed to be sufficiently profitable to avoid alternative development while being sustainable.
  • Profit does not come at the expense of the forest resources, the ecosystem, or the affected communities.
  • Trees that are cut down to make FSC-certified paper do not harm the forest or the environment.
  • FSC-harvested trees are part of an overall plan to keep a forest healthy and safe.

FSC saves forests by working with landowners, not against them. It’s the perfect model for preserving our forests and a great reason for you to make an extra effort to identify and buy FSC-labeled products and suggest FSC certification to the places you shop frequently. Learn more about the FSC here:

American Green Consulting’s Chain of Custody Portal takes the guesswork out of becoming certified. Click here to learn more about the portal or to share it with your favorite businesses to help them become certified.

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