Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Professionals of Color
AGC guest author Melody Starya Mobley shares strategies for recruiting—and retaining—BIPOC professionals into forestry and other STEM fields where they're currently underrepresented.
AGC guest author Melody Starya Mobley shares strategies for recruiting—and retaining—BIPOC professionals into forestry and other STEM fields where they're currently underrepresented.
Join us in celebrating the well-earned retirement of our friend and colleague Vic Nathan Barkin, a 49-year veteran in the print, paper and wood products industries.
Let's talk about discrimination, hazing, and assault in the USDA Forest Service—and further calls for change. Read more in Melody Mobley's guest post for the AGC blog.
Celebrating our ethnic histories today will ensure a bright future for our forests of tomorrow. Read more in Melody Mobley's guest post for the AGC blog.
American Green announces Jess Gillen as their inaugural Director of Certification Services. Read about what this means for AGC—and the forest sector.
Meet Team AGC! We love that we get to know our clients (and their business) while also being their partners in FSC® certification.
Check out American Green's short EUDR video that highlights what it's is all about and what you need to know to be ready for it.
Sarah wanted a better awareness of how her decision to travel impacts her personal carbon footprint. Check out her carbon-compare findings!
Fink & Fink Games focuses on creating games that leverage fun and humor while also being created using FSC-certified resources.
Our American Green team recently took a hard look at our time-off policy, and we discovered it was time for a time-off refresh.